Thoai Nguyen

Nice guy, Bookworm, Hacker, Bootstrapper

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I’m getting a dish washer

Ok, really, this is not just about getting a dish washer.

Hey Laura,

I am just writing to let you know that I am going to buy a dish washer when we move to the new place. This is by no means my excuse to slack off. Let me explain to you why.

A dishwasher costs between AU$400-700. Let’s buy one for $500.

I spend 15 to 30 minutes each day, after dinner, to wash the dishes. For the sake of simplicity, let’s say I spend 20 minutes a day on average. That’s about 2 hours and 20 minutes per week, or 121 hours a year.

A dish washer will last for a very long time, but let’s use the 2-year warranty period as a base line (Imagine the machine breaks down after 2 year, we can just throw it away). That will be the equivalent of trading AU$500 of investment for 243 hours of my labour. Basically, the machine will work at an hourly rate of approximately $2/hour!!!

In other words, by not using a...

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The dark side of intelligence

The following article makes a very good point about how being intelligent, or rather being overconfident about it, is a certain path to self-destruction. The principle applies not only to startup and business but also to almost everything in life, including relationships.

  • Your high IQ will kill your startup (Jamie’s copy)
  • Backup link (PDF, from my dropbox)

Links are only visible in full post view.

@Max: I am keeping a copy for my personal use. However if you want this article off-the-grid, please let me know and I will gladly comply.

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Being Alone

It may not come very often that you befriend with solitude. Whenever that happens, life can be intense. Without the distraction of the outer world and social relationships, without a single soul to be seen, you see yourself clearly.

You are not truly alone at this moment. You are watching a trace of my thoughts, which used to be at some point. Not anymore.

It is puzzling for many to observe an introvert, asking themselves what there really is in that moment of silence. The explanation for that is relatively simple, sometimes too simple for a learned mind to grasp. What if there is nothing to disturb you anymore? What if you are at the peak of your anger? What if you are just calm, without thoughts, thinking, or just being?

The fact is simple: we can see ourselves alone with utmost clarity. Life has a way to balance and to re-balance itself. In a moment, a flash of insight may come. In...

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